They will drown in the tears of their mothers, by Johannes Anyuru

They will drown in the tears of their mothers

La science fiction sometimes it is not. And it is also interesting when it comes to a resource, a staging or a simple excuse. For the writer John Anyuru, landed in the novel with the spirit of exploration typical of his condition as a consolidated poet, the idea is to take up Cassandra's predictions. A character whose curse carries the knowledge of all self-fulfilling prophecy.

Because the future is not infrequently what we are about to do as invincible inertia. Especially when we approach it from the point of view of any fiction. In this case, fatality emerges from the anecdotal and sinister until it ends up encompassing everything with a lyrical and epic blackness, like an epic of a civilization worn out, wasted and determined to destroy itself.


They Will Drown in Their Mothers' Tears, winner of the August Prize, is one of the most important Swedish novels of the last decade. A book that will make us reflect on current and future European societies. Three people enter a bookstore and interrupt with a gunshot the presentation of a controversial artist, famous for his drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Panic erupts and all the attendees are taken hostage. But one of the three attackers, a young woman whose job it is to film the violence, has a secret that can change everything. Two years later, this anonymous woman invites a famous writer to visit her at the psychiatric clinic where she resides and shares an incredible story with him: she claims to come from the future.

Deserving of a formidable critical and bestseller success, this pulsing novel by Johannes Anyuru envelops the reader in a story about hope and despair in today's Europe, about friendship and betrayal, and about the theater of terror and fascism.

You can now buy the novel "They will drown in their mothers tears", by Johannes Anyuru, here:

They will drown in the tears of their mothers
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