The 3 best books by Samantha Schweblin

Many of the great writers of stories and stories have some lyrical evocation. The brief allows that balance between story to tell, rhythm and form. A set that makes the metaphor shine as a careful symbol towards a greater projection of language, adorned with depth lights.

In my opinion, transmitting the most complete and complex under the condition of spatial brevity, highlights the narrator truly capable of telling life from his characters and scenarios of summary theatricality and undeniable lyrical construction.

And that's where a writer like Samantha Schweblin, one of them specialists without narrative network with which I share a generation and to which I equate other of the last narrators of the analog world as Oscar Sipan o Patricia Esteban Erles, writers from my land with whom I enjoyed this kind of generational short narrative.

Samantha Schweblin, in the same way as those mentioned above, made its way as it won great prizes for short stories, until that natural transition that is the transition to the novel as a complement to a short story vocation that continues alternating between its long-term stories.

Top 3 recommended books by Samanta Schweblin

Rescue distance

Samanta's passage as a narrator from the brief to a novelist materialized in this novel as an aftertaste of a melancholic farewell, without actually constructing a novel of many pages or facing the plot with the springs of the story itself.

And in the more or less sought indecision we enjoy a wonderful story made into a short novel, with a formal tune full of metaphors and an extension of the narrative thread that allows us to savor a literary ambrosia for a longer time.

Samanta does not beat around the bush when it comes to inviting us to read a first visceral novel that confronts us with tragedy, a tragedy that is crumbled between the physical and the spiritual, between what led Amanda to be close to death. and the pain of being able to separate from her daughter, a separation that should never exceed the limits of the rescue distance between a mother and a daughter in the face of so many potential dangers.

What happened to Amanda is suspended in a dim beam of light, a story that hangs on the feelings of the dying woman, barely present in that emergency box ...


The novelist's craft is an arduous purification task. It may sound pretentious to a writer like me, who will have barely sold a couple thousand books. But everyone at their level discovers how much truth there is in it.

Samanta will also have been refining all her great resources for the story that perhaps finally represent a burden when the idea is to extend a story, add more ramifications and more circumstances. But with this Kentukis novel it is clear that the task is accomplished.

The atomization of the novel into various characters maintains that necessary unity of a novel understood as such. The idea of ​​the novel, its narrative thread, becomes that tormenting butterfly effect of connectivity, of the Internet.

The feeling that everything is at the fingertips, like gods out of nowhere. And the perspective of Samanta, the embodiment of this novel points to the strange sensation of having everything at the fingertips; to the delirious need to expose ourselves to the world with the image of what we would like to be; at the risk of submitting all of us to the dictates of that network turned into a spiritual guide towards the abyss.


Birds in the mouth and other stories

A volume that summarizes the best of that delivery to the story by an author of brilliant creative ability. There is no better book than this anthology to address all that life, light, tension and death that so many stories of the Argentine writer contain.

The twenty stories finally selected for this composition invite an intense journey to that wonderful and strange frontier where the great stories fade just before waking up. Except that Samantha knows where the door is to return to take notes and she has no problem sitting down to write it down in great detail.

Birds in the mouth and other stories
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