3 best Glenn Cooper books

It often happens that, upon the arrival of new authors to the publishing scene, especially in the cases of authors of a certain age who had never written before, they are initially labeled as upstarts, without which there should be a vote of confidence before the prejudices.

Glenn cooper He could be one of those intruders who did not show himself as a nursery writer, but one day he thought he had something to tell and began to write it. Welcome to any writer who has read that on some occasion understands that he must tell us a story (I can think of the close example of Victor of the Tree). Literature is full of unique, magical works, by authors who wrote only once or who did so from the age of 40 or 50, or more ...

In fact Glenn Cooper is a well traveled, educated and read guy, three of the most technical skills when writing. The wit, imagination and inspiration is a matter of one day coming together. For Glenn I do believe that their narrative style has been coming together for almost 10 years now.

And here comes my selection…

Top 3 Recommended Novels by Glenn Cooper

The children of God

Coincidences are those coincidences of God throwing his dice. How the pieces end up moving from that moment can mean an inconsequential trip or a drastic change for the world when reaching a most unexpected destination square. On this occasion, Glenn Cooper seeks to twist things up to offer us an overwhelming mystery...

Professor and archaeologist Cal Donovan is heading to Iceland to spend a vacation with his latest girlfriend when he receives a call from the Vatican. Pope Celestine IV wants me to investigate the extraordinary appearance of three young, pregnant virgins named Mary. Is it a miracle, as the most conservative sector of the Vatican claims, or is there a scientific explanation? Is it possible that the three of them are carrying the son of God? Could this apparent miracle cause the collapse of the Catholic Church?

Cal travels to Manila first and then to Ireland. The two girls tell him a very similar memory: a very intense light blinded them and a voice told them "you have been chosen." Cal flies to Peru to meet the last María but the young woman is not there. And a few hours later he receives the news that the other girls have also disappeared.

The Church faces schism as Cal Donovan fights to uncover the truth. He soon realizes that the survival of the Catholic Church and his own is at stake.

The key of destiny

It will be because in a way it reminded me of my novel «El sueño del santo», but the point is that this novel caught my attention powerfully. To such an extent that I consider it the author's masterpiece.

Summary: Monastery of Rouac, 1307. At death's door, the abbot and last monk of the brotherhood wants to record his legacy in writing: the secret that explains his enormous longevity and that he has hidden with zeal for more than two hundred years.

In some mysterious caves where it seems that there is only limestone rock and humid darkness, the formula of eternal youth is found. An apparent miracle that, however, can become a curse ... France, today.

Among the ruins of the monastery of Rouac, a team of archaeologists has just found an ancient and deteriorated manuscript, which puts them on the trail of an ocutla grotto. But someone is willing to obstruct the investigation ... and even kill to protect his secret ...

The gate of darkness

Already reviewed in this space, it contributes much and good to the historical mystery genre, with an undeniable science fiction point. The supposed setting from which this novel started, commercially presented as "a world populated by the most abject characters in history" caught my attention.

Because when it comes to writing about abject characters, you already have your experience. What he book The gate of darkness It does is to use science fiction once more to confront our world with an extremely adverse reality. The man manipulating his destiny and encountering the most abominable demons in the process. From Below, historical figures who were once confined to a particular exile return to Earth.

As in a man-made final judgment, evil seems to materialize in that black fate that those recovered from hell can freely write once recovered for the cause. The situation is provoked in the manner of a Ministry of Time, the Spanish series that currently triumphs, with a point of greater technological sophistication, with a knowledge of the technical ins and outs that the English MI5 knows and manipulates and with a blacker and fatalistic setting typical of the thriller.

The ignition of a particle collider opens the corridor of particles capable of joining the real world with that scientific limbo where the evil characters were separated. As if that were not enough, its disastrous ignition affects many other inhabitants of the planet, generating a general atmosphere of alienation that heralds a crisis for humanity.

Once the nightmare is unraveled, the challenge is presented as a mission for John and Emily, the only ones who assume the need to reveal the truth and take action to avoid the catastrophe. Nothing will be on your side, the narrative progresses without any signs of a solution. Only the strongest will, or overflowing with it, the confidence in a liberating destiny will be able to recover a world on the brink of the abyss.

Other recommended books by Glenn Cooper

The last day

In literature there are two themes evoked from the Greeks until today: Love and death. On this occasion we discover that death cannot be such. Or that, somehow we have to learn to live with the new concept of leaving this world.

Summary: FBI Detective O'Malley faces the most complex investigation of her professional career when humanity finally solves her biggest unknown: What happens after death? A new apocalyptic thriller by the author of the Library of the Dead trilogy. What if it were true that there is another life? Would you continue living as you have been?

The world suffers the most serious existential crisis in remembrance. The great mystery about death has been solved and humanity has discovered the truth. Now he must confront her before the last day.

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