3 best books by Arthur C. Clarke

What of Arthur C. Clarke,en it is a unique case of collusion with the seventh art. Or at least his work 2001 a space odyssey so it is. I do not know of another novel (or at least I do not remember it) in which its writing has taken place in parallel with the production and publication of the film.

Although taking into account the particularities of Kubrick's film, its disruptive character in terms of its novel style of cultural transmission visually as a mixture of art and philosophy, everything makes more sense. A film advanced in its time and enigmatic in its development. Of which he did not leave anyone indifferent, coming to be considered a masterpiece (I commune with this current) or infumable hodgepodge (there are tastes for everything).

But, sticking to Clarke, there is creative life beyond 2001 - a space odyssey. Your consideration as a writer of science fiction he adjusted to a narrative in search of transcendental answers, almost always oriented to the cosmos.

In that adventure that is read Arthur C. Clarke, I'm going to point out my three favorite novels, those Recommended books by this writer of the stars ...

Top 3 recommended books by Arthur C. Clarke

2001 A Space Odyssey

It is unavoidable to place this great work at the peak of its creation. Despite its generation parallel to the film, I recommend reading it beforehand before launching into viewing the film.

Although the movie is insurmountable, currently its special effects weigh down the imagination, since we certainly see them out of date (although in many other respects it is still a masterpiece of the seventh art, such as its inexplicable and extensive ending). Summary: A breathtaking interstellar journey in search of evidence that human beings are not alone in the cosmos.

An expedition to the ends of the universe and to those of the soul, in which past, present and future are amalgamated in an enigmatic continuum. What ultimate essence governs us? What place does man occupy in the complex web of infinity? What is time, life, death ..?

A great novel of epic dimensions whose wide range of interpretations offers a totalizing vision. Arthur C. Clarke collaborated closely with Stanley Kubrick in the production of the celebrated film of the same name that propelled this title to become an absolute classic of science fiction.

A space odyssey

The hammer of God

A more typical plot in his approach to the colonization of new planets to alleviate the problem of overpopulation. From there we enter into ethical and material dilemmas about the dispensability of a large part of human civilization in a reduced space.

Summary: In the XXII century, humans inhabit the Moon and Mars; a war veteran has founded Crislam, a religious doctrine taught through virtual reality modules; There is no natural food left, but by recycling waste you get any dish; the floors are small, but it is easy to reconvert your space and reunite loved ones thanks to the holograms; genetic engineering is capable of anything, but the Pope opposes every new advance ...

The appearance of an asteroid that threatens to fall on Earth raises the great underlying dilemma: should it be destroyed in space? Wouldn't it be better to let it fall and help fix the Earth's overpopulation problem?

The hammer of God

Light of other days

Einstein's relativity the relativity of the human being. Quantum physics as a trick of God finally revealed. The consequences are the excuse to analyze what we are, and what we were ...

Summary: Light from Other Days tells the story of what happens when a brilliant industrialist harnesses the benefits of quantum physics. In this way, anyone can see what someone else is doing from anywhere in any situation. Corners and walls are no longer barriers, every moment of existence, no matter how private or intimate it may be, is exposed to others.

This new technology supposes the sudden abolition of human privacy… forever. As men and women cope with the trauma of the new situation, this same technology will prove capable of looking into the past as well.

Nothing can prepare us for what will come next: the discovery of what is true and false throughout the thousands of years of human history as we knew it. As a consequence of this knowledge, governments are overthrown, religions fall, the foundations of human society shake from their very roots.

It marks a fundamental change in the human condition causing despair, chaos, and perhaps, also the opportunity to transcend as a race. Light of other days is a tour de force, an event for the next millennium and a narrative that you will not forget.

light of other days
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