3 best books by Antonio Garrido

As a total bestseller author, Antonio Garrido brings a perfect balance between historical fiction and mystery. In his case it is a kind of fascinating trick that tackles everything from style, to rhythm, plot and twists as that final effect of the narrator made conjurer of the lyrics.

In other words: Antonio Garrido knows how to find this extremely interesting historical setting that eludes many other authors. Or perhaps the grace resides in taking another turn to the facts to find the treasure from which to raise the adventure.

It's a matter of find that intrahistory that any reader eager to transform the historical into legendary ends up enjoying and spreading. Until reaching that condition, reached by this author, the best-selling author in the United States in any classification, for several weeks.

The plethora of writers who in one way or another address the historical as a foundation or as a mere setting, elevate our literature to great heights of quality. I mean that great scope of creation that goes from Santiago Posteguillo but also Javier Sierra To name two of great repercussion, with an Antonio Garrido who would be located in the middle, where virtue is usually located.

La bibliography of Antonio Garrido It is not very extensive yet, so, as always within the subjectivity of this blog, we go there with the best of this Andalusian writer:

Top 3 recommended novels by Antonio Garrido

The corpse reader

When we are visiting a monument, we are always left with the brilliance of the anecdotal, with that legend that accompanies the routine of other days in a monastery, castle, palace or old city. Let's add a touch of the exotic from other cultures, serve it hot as a thriller.

The novel that transformed Antonio Garrido into that bestselling author who had just hit the key for a story of global literary significance.

We move to remote days of China. And yet we came across a pristine CSI trying to apply science to crime discovery. Song Ci was a kind of forensic doctor whose surprising method and his capacity for deduction made him a very relevant character for the old Chinese empire.

From his wisdom and his methodology to the center of the hurricane of conspiracies for power. Feared precisely by the conspirators who stalked the emperor, Song Ci will also see his life threatened if he does not walk with lead feet. A Sherlock Holmes recovered from many centuries ago. A shadow of certainty due to the real information about the character that has come to this day.

A success in the rhythm, in the setting of a China that shone amid the medieval obscurantism of Europe, and in the brilliant role of a protagonist that leads us towards fascinating twists and turns.

The corpse reader

The scribe

We are still immersed in the dark days before the modern world, that medieval civilization spread for centuries in Europe, waiting for the spark of advances and discoveries.

Under the sign of the expansion of Christianity, faced with many other cultures inherited from very different beliefs, we find a whole organization that was already gathering privileged information, with their consideration of moral rulers. Thus it is understood that every manuscript, that every writing task as a historical chronicle or transcription was centralized in a Christianity of which the great Frankish Emperor Charlemagne already participated as a faithful entrusted.

Under these historical parameters, we delve into the profession of the notary public, with a female figure that takes full prominence. She is Theresa, daughter of Gorgias, a seasoned apprentice to her father's trade. Because of her father's dedication to a highly relevant manuscript, Theresa is threatened and embarks on a frenetic escape to her salvation.

Then it will be up to you to inquire about what is happening and tie the ropes of a historical evolution that can change everything. The balance between the transcendence of a knowledge that connects with the diffusion of Christianity and the particular case of the liberation of his father, make up a framework that advances the plot in each chapter in a frenetic way.

The scribe

The last paradise

The crash of '29 put many Americans down to earth who saw unlimited prosperity in their burgeoning economic system. While all was going well, the Americans looked under their feet to discover the "enemy." At the antipodes of the American dream was the imaginary of a centralist communism.

But, paradoxically, for the protagonist of this novel with overtones of a very true life narrative, that other world that privatizes ambitions suddenly seems the only option. Because after his days of wine and roses, of economic prosperity and vital enjoyment from the material, he ends up hiding the demons of awakening, betrayals and even crime.

In the mirror of a reality that occurred for many Americans who decided to emigrate to Russia escaping from the cruelest misery, the author has managed to find one of the greatest reflections of that change that evokes the contrasts and conflicts of the twentieth century world that, Between crises and wars, it becomes difficult to think how he survived himself.

The last paradise
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