The country of the birds that sleep in the air, by Mónica Fernández

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It seems incredible when, even today, we hear that Spain is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity. Over the years of cement that the crisis was in charge of violently stopping and that had been in charge of burying the coastline surrounding the peninsula from the Basque Country to Catalonia, we can still enjoy that label of biological diversity.

Unparalleled places, microhabitats maintained between the rural, the mountainous and the steppe, between the driest areas and those with the highest rainfall, between the deserts and wetlands that have survived climate change. A whole world close to discovering and knowing.

The voice of Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno is in charge of letting us know the nature that still survives in this peninsula in which long ago, it was said that a monkey could cross it jumping from tree to tree. Some of that remains, however remote and legendary it may be.

Summary: Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno, one of the greatest disseminators of Nature in our country, will review the geography of Spain in this practical and generalist book and will focus on explaining in a simple way the diversity of the flora and fauna of each region. We must not forget that Spain is the country in Europe with the greatest biodiversity. The book will have drawings, simple explanations, a certain poetic air and will be, above all, entertaining and popular.

You can buy the book The land of birds that sleep in the air, by Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno, here:

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