The 3 best books by Carlos Augusto Casas

Scrupulously complying, from his appearance, with stereotypes of a writer devoted to the cause from all sides, Carlos Augusto Casas is already that author of considerable narrative works. Because his novels also have that personality of the disruptive, of creativity that transcends genres to establish itself in its own space.

Perhaps reaching at times the black gender in its most acid and critical aspect of the first noir with sociological foothills. Undoubtedly always zigzagging in the plot so that their own characters suffer from a necessary dislocation from which to awaken empathy to the alienation or estrangement park. All in perspective.

The point is that Casas is a great reading discovery. Something like the one that made me great Victor of the Tree in the suspense made in Spain, only shaking everything in a cocktail with many other nuances to the aroma of an intention and a very particular narrative interest.

Top 3 recommended novels by Carlos Augusto Casas

The ministry of truth

Every futuristic dystopia with sociopolitical intent requires its reverence to 1984 George Orwell. That is already inspired by the very title of this novel. But in this case it is simply that gesture, evidenced in part of the plot, to later start off with rabid originality towards a story that could be in a few years or just tomorrow, maybe already today if you hurry me...

In an empty society marked by class differences, almost everyone accepts the loss of freedoms and prohibitions without opposition. Nobody asks questions. After the Great Pandemic, there are already very few who dare to remember that a better world was possible.

Julia Romero is a young journalist who refuses to accept the official version that her father, a reporter who suddenly abandoned his profession years ago, has committed suicide. When Julia discovers that all traces of her father's items have disappeared, her investigation will lead her to the all-powerful Ministry of Truth, the body responsible for controlling and manipulating the information that reaches citizens. What had her father found out about her? Who has murdered him?

Meanwhile, a clandestine resistance network watches Julia from a distance. It is they who often leave old copies of 1984, George Orwell's great novel, in the mailboxes of those in danger. It is the sign that the hitmen of the Ministry are already very close.

The ministry of truth

There are no more jungle left to return

Neither islands to be shipwrecked, as Joaquín Sabina would say, nor jungles to return to. At times the feeling that everything is devastated leads us into a feeling of limitation for the imagination or the spirit of adventure, with its inherent risks.

It is either that or view existence from another prism. Reinvent yourself not by using the recommendations of emotional intelligence coaches and gurus, but by new adventurers who are denied everyday life and still face injustice. Neverland or come-of-age fantasy kingdoms. Lost paradises, islands to be shipwrecked and jungles where you can still get lost to face unimaginable immoral beasts.

A story of love and revenge. A fast-paced plot, with surprising plot twists, that break the established schemes within the noir genre. An old man nicknamed "The Gentleman" waits week after week for the arrival of Thursday. It is the day he will see Olga, a young prostitute who displays her charms on Calle Montera.

But the old man is not interested in sex. During the time they spend together, they both abandon the pettiness of their respective lives to become another woman and another man. Unreal and beautiful, like dreams. One day Olga is brutally murdered.

Four lawyers are suspected of committing the crime and the old man decides he's had enough of life taking away everything he loves. He no longer has anything left, only revenge. He starts making plans to kill them one by one. The most dangerous man is the one who has nothing to lose... because he has already lost everything.

There are no more jungle left to return

father's law

There is a world that only belongs to an elite. A reality that the rest of us believe we yearn for, but that only a select few know. It is the world of great fortunes and power. A universe where we all have a price, as long as there is someone willing to pay it. This is the story of a family with a lot of money and very few scruples.

The Gómez-Arjonas own a huge media empire and their patriarch, Arturo, seems to have everything under control until, at his birthday celebration, someone tries to poison him. Which of his four sons - all corrupt and ambitious, although each in a different way - wants to seize power from him? All parents have their own law and, even if he means knocking down one of his own, Arturo will not hesitate to go to the end to apply his.

This is how this thriller full of betrayal, mystery and spite begins, signed by one of the most prestigious and award-winning authors of the genre. As if we were looking through a keyhole, Carlos Augusto Casas takes us into the upper echelons of the capital and accompanies us throughout a dizzying plot in which we will soon discover that not even power and money can silence a secret. forever.

father's law
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