Black times, by various authors

Black times, by various authors
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Various voices offer us black stories, police, small scripts taken from real scenarios, the opposite approach to the usual ...

Because reality does not exceed fiction, it simply supplants it. Reality is a deception, at least that which is confined to power, interests, politics, each day more converted into a grotesque shadow that could be laughable if it were not for the macabre that, after all, sustains our lives, our becoming, our destiny.

Writers who agree to publish a book on the black genre that is society, engulfed by that shadow of post-truth that engulfs everything, by the falsehood that ultimately sustains everything.

If the macabre fiction of post-truth rules us, everything is allowed. There will be no police who fight against evil because evil is seated in the armchair of power. The detective genre derived strictly literary towards the black genre, much filthier, much more ignominious. Now it turns out that it was just an adaptation to the times.

Since the times of Sherlock Holmes, little by little the sustenance of the final crime novel is no longer to find clues but to unveil to become aware of the reality beyond the pages housed in that real world.

The commitment of the writer now is to wink at the reader, raise awareness in a fictional way, raise up what remains of worthy individuals in a corrupted society ...

Is that it, or maybe it's just a matter of entertaining yourself with these samples of good feather work like those of Lorenzo Silva, Alicia Giménez Bartlett among several others. Taste is in this exquisite variety.

And in the end it all depends on the reader, on his conscience and on detecting that any resemblance to reality is a simple coincidence or a cruel sarcasm of cosmic magnitudes.

Synopsis: «If we stop at any moment in our lives and look back, we will see that each of our steps led us to that precise moment. We will be able to appreciate the consequences of a series of decisions that, consciously or not, combined with external factors that led or modified them, we were taking along the way. This, which is true for individuals, is no less so for societies.

Politics has shown its inability to foresee the consequences of its resolutions. Life shows at every step how little we control everything. Since the dawn of humanity we have experienced conflicts, wars, epidemics, catastrophes, economic crises and tyrannies of all kinds. Although they have had a high cost in lives and suffering, so far we have managed to survive.

I am convinced that a large part of this success is due to the fact that we are able to tell each other our stories, transmit experiences and find in the culture the necessary resources to overcome the most terrible moments that, as a community and as individuals, we have to live. We call those moments “black times”.

You can buy the book Black times, tales of black genre by various authors, here:

Black times, by various authors
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