So many wolves, of Lorenzo Silva

So many wolves
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The counterweight of this era of connection and technological benefits is lack of control and new channels to enhance the worst of the human being.

The networks become an uncontrollable channel for violence and abuse, more marked in our young people, who, devoid of filters and exposed to disinformation and excesses end up exponentially enhancing those small evils of always, transformed into public derision. Or, in another way, it presents them vulnerable to the eyes of all kinds of predators that lurk like those authentic wolves that are announced in this title.

Because this new book So many wolves, Lorenzo Silva, shows a possible drift that feels very real. It is chilling to ask yourself a crime novel reading where the setting is so close. Perhaps never before has a novel of this genre been a kind of wake-up call to our surroundings.

Second Lieutenant Bevilacqua takes on four new and lurid crimes by victims too young. In order to begin to investigate, Bevilacqua and her inseparable Chamorro must learn to navigate between the networks with the agility of the young people who move through them. A necessary learning to access that sordid side of the networks where it is discovered how the worst of the human soul acquires Dantean overtones.

Beyond the cases themselves, the plot that advances at the frenetic pace of the investigation, we discover a committed narrative with social overtones. Abuses, mistreatment. Young people, boys and even more girls suffer or inflict pain. Everything begins verbally, but hatred and violence, once released in any of its forms, asks for more and more ...

Four murders, four girls ... We will see what really happened and discover how similar it can be to reality to take our reservations.

You can buy the book So many wolves, the new novel by Lorenzo Silva, here:

So many wolves
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