Film synopsis, by Ángel Sanchidrián

Film synopsis
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One of the great discoveries of the Internet is that humor is the only certain thing that can freely browse the networks, without the edge of the suspicion of double intentions. Humor serves to laugh. And that's it. That is not little ...

Digital newspapers that shamelessly transform reality to make us laugh, tweeters capable of synthesizing towards the hilarious any circumstance of this chaotic precipitated world of news on the networks, post-truth and, what is worse, reality segmented as if it were advertising .

At this point I don't think we read the press like we used to. Right now we read what robots and cookies think we can find more interesting to reaffirm our concept of the events that occur…. sinister, no doubt.

That's why humor is the coolest thing on the net. AND Angel Sanchidrián is already a guru of humor in the networks. Initially a film critic, he could be followed by Facebook with his particular viewings of the films. As soon as you started reading any criticism, laughter would go off. Stereotypes from cop movies, clichés from adventure movies… all stripped down.

Arguments raised from the absurd that reconverted and reconverted the seventh art into a nonsense with the sole purpose of having a laugh. Imagination to transform the most tearful drama into a «laughs movie».

The old cataloging that we used to do between movies of laughter, shooting or scares now seems something born of this critical genius of the irreverent.

And in this book you will find up to 120 unforgettable movie synopses. Sanchidrián's humorous filter will disrupt everything so that you go from one to another with tears in your eyes from fits of laughter.

You can buy the book Film synopsis, the new book by Ángel Sanchidrián, here:

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