Eyes and Spies, by Tanya Lloyd Kyi

Eyes and spies
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It is no longer just a matter of internet use. The mere fact of buying a terminal, whether mobile, tablet or computer supposes an act of automatic transfer of rights with the acquiescence or omission of the authorities.

From the outset, various functionalities aimed at your identification are installed, in order to offer you a series of euphemisms towards your weighting as a potential client: "friendlier navigation", "improve the experience" ... "facilitate procedures, processes and queries" The question is that when you connect for the first time, your navigation is no longer as free as you might think. And the worst ... the authorities know and allow it.

It is also true that on our part, as users, there is a certain tacit assumption of our exposure to this new hidden dictatorship in the networks, but it is something similar to the preferred ones, if you do not know the depth of the subject and the specialists tell you that it is something well, how not to trust.

The point is that this book Eyes and spies It presents us with a much more complete and complex scenario, the one that concerns the vigilance that we suffer in this "wonderful" connection. Any action on the network is weighed by interested companies, but it can also be supervised by governments or security forces.

Okay, you're convinced, you go off the internet and go to the street, bravely, without a mobile phone. But also in the street you will be watched by cameras or when you pay with your card in a physical store. Freedom is curtailed today by that eye referred to in the book, George Orwell's Big Brother eye. Information flows, but the channels are not always as free as they want to present to us.

The book also talks about new technologies and minors, a controversial space where you have to consider tough issues such as cyberbullying or access to all kinds of information. Without a doubt a dilemma of difficult solution.

The virtues of the technological society may not be so. The possibilities of moving freely, safeguarding your privacy at all times (remember that this is a widely recognized right), those possibilities of freedom are narrowing, leading to arrests of network users for their publications. It is well that there are very donkeys, certainly evil minds, but entering to judge opinion is a very delicate subject, possibly one of the most sensitive points in this entire world of free appearance and really massively supervised.

You can buy the book Eyes and spies, the exciting new essay by Canadian Tanya Lloyd Kyi, here:

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