How much I loved you, by Eduardo Sacheri

How much i loved you
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There is no bad love triangle but misunderstood polyamory. What happens is that if the coexistence between two can be a litmus test, after the initial phase of gawking; The one kept in his snuff box of three hearts that beat in love can end up sounding like a booming volcano to come out of Pandora's box.

Even more depending on what time and what place. Because as on other occasions, Eduardo Sacheri He invites us to his prospecting in the field of love in difficult times. Because in the not so distant mid-twentieth century a possible love triangle sounded like moral rottenness to women, little less than witchcraft.

Something that today sounds crazy, of course, but it never hurts to revisit to consider how much the most transcendental underground revolutions in feminism cost, and the sexual is one of those aspects necessary to be able to vindicate from the inside out, drowning and despising rancid guilt and atavistic feelings of belonging and exclusivity from the sexual to the soul.

A particular love story. A woman and a crucial dilemma: can you be in love with two men at the same time?

Ofelia Fernández Mollé is a formal, happy girl, about to get married. But one afternoon his life abruptly changes to become a tangle of mixed feelings: delight, restlessness, happiness, uncertainty, fear and much guilt. With great interior swings and through difficult decisions, she is becoming an adult woman who faces the circumstances that have touched her in her own way.

During the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century, like many women of her time, Ofelia broke without fanfare or spectacle with family and social mandates: she will not only be a housewife, she will not work with her father, she will not evade the complexities of love .

In times of turmoil and questioning of gender roles, Eduardo Sacheri has written a beautiful novel loaded with questions about falling in love, love exclusivity, marriage, pain, secrecy, destiny and inner freedom. And it gives us a heroine at the height of all the times in which the foundations of a moral order creak and the birth of a new one is witnessed.

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