Fire by Joe Hill

Fire by Joe Hill
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I think I looked at this book with the notion of finding some plot in the style Stephen King. But the shots are not there, nothing to see.

The proposal of book Fuego by Joe Hill has a meeting point with the novel I'm legend by Richard Matheson. A scientific plot with an apocalyptic tone thanks to its science fiction theme.

A kind of purifying fire seems to have been sent by a vengeful god, to exterminate humanity through spontaneous combustion.

A pregnant nurse, Harper Grayson, has treated several cases, being affected.

In her particular situation, and seeking the defense of the new life she harbors, she faces the fate of her affected spores and will try to find the exception, the case that offers the sick an opportunity.

In a chaotic situation, with the healthy population chasing those affected to exterminate them, good old Harper will go through a thousand dangers on that arduous road to hope.

A fast-paced plot that has you magnetized by rhythm and emotions.

You can now buy the book Fuego, the latest novel by Joe Hill, here:

Fire by Joe Hill
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