In the Storm, by Taylor Adams

In the Storm, by Taylor Adams
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Nothing worse than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although thinking about it coldly, it could be that destiny leads us through those twists and turns of inopportunity to put our bravery and tenacity on the table.

Things were already looking bad when Darby Thorne discovers herself sulking after cutting off the last phone call with her mother.

Because it is not a good idea to close with an argument just before a family member heads for a medical operation. Her mother is stubborn by force, but it was certainly not the best time for arguments.

Moved by that will for reconciliation born from the dark omen that if something fatally improbable happens in the intervention, she could not live with regrets. Darby decides to go to the hospital.

The night does not invite you to take the car, but without a doubt it is the fastest way to get there as soon as possible, before losing sight of your mother to the operating room.

Murphy's laws are what they have, the more effort you put into alleviating something that has already started badly, the worse it will get. A snowstorm prevents Darby from continuing to the hospital and he has to pull off the road as soon as he discovers a rudimentary lodging for desperate travelers ...

Denying his bad luck, Darby prepares to buy time in the face of the storm, hoping to get back on his way as soon as possible.

And if she mentioned Murphy before, the truth is that the evil plan of the old engineer Murphy, who discovered a failure in a chain long ago, then confronts her with the discovery of a kidnapped girl inside a van stopped in that inhospitable place.

Gripped by fear, Darby sets out to reveal her discovery, but as soon as she enters the hostel and discovers four other travelers being held by the same circumstances, she considers that stating her discovery will not be a good idea. The doubt about who will be her kidnapper among those few characters held in the particular snowy setting puts her immediately on alert.

We immediately launched into the dance of preliminary trials and analysis on the four characters, trying to discern who may have kidnapped the girl. Every look, every movement or even a smile can be interpreted as a mean gesture.

But Darby knows that he must approach the four strangers to probe and sift through the culprit while getting help in the most underground way.

Against this background we can already imagine the game of twists, suspicions, instincts and deductions that we will share with the protagonist towards the final resolution.

The lives of the girl and other innocent people, including her, may be at stake. As the snow continues to fall, Darby realizes that no one will come there to help them ...

You can now buy the novel In the Storm, the new book by Taylor Adams, here:

In the Storm, by Taylor Adams
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