Before the hurricane, by Kiko Amat

Before the hurricane, by Kiko Amat
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The consequences of being weird, the border between genius and madness or between eccentricity and freakism. The tormented final reality that had already been announced by the lightning bolts of madness.

Before the hurricane, he tells us the story of Curro, who is currently admitted to a psychiatric center but with the firm determination to take back the reins of his life. Under the new and spectral lucidity that finally governs the spirit of work, the flight is the only solution to retake whoever was his destiny.

And while Curro plots his escape, to the breath of his most imaginative and delusional creations, we begin to discover who Curro really was.

We go back more than 30 years to the year of Naranjito and its soccer world cup in Spain. We are getting to know the bizarre home that welcomed him during his first years of life, a humble home about to be engulfed by the outskirts of an insatiable Barcelona of new space.

Curro had a best friend, Priu, in whose relationship any of us can reflect ourselves, with that nostalgic touch of childhood, of the world to discover. Curro's oddities, accompanied by the no less peculiar Priu, are sympathetic, the singular flash of oddities also identify us against the mania of normality ...

But we know that Curro, and his world, is geared toward catastrophe. Perhaps in other circumstances poor Curro could have gotten ahead, more or less, despite being seen as a strange bug by his fellow men ... However, Curro's family nucleus is precisely that, a nucleus about to explode definitively.

Thus, from the humorous brushstrokes of childhood, from the soft sadness that neighborhood life sometimes gives off, we quickly pass to the contrast of fatality. Curro is too young, barely twelve years old, to assume such a tragically marked destiny, but it is what it is ...

A point of bitter resignation emerges in the plot. And in the eighties setting itself that still offers us a decadent glimpse of a society that seems to be looming into the future without having them all with it.

Opportunities on the outskirts of any city are drastically reduced. The chances of the insecure Curro in the middle of his family's hurricane are 0 absolute.

The grotesque family of Curro at times wakes us up an acid smile, with that disturbing shadow of black humor that ends up striking a chord when empathy is achieved, the real suffering of the character.

The hurricane ends up being generated, what today is called perfect cyclogenesis is closing in around Curro. And, despite reading with a point of hope, the strange thing is that something else had happened. Because ... if we go back to the beginning, today's Curro remains hospitalized, planning a grotesque escape.

You can now buy the novel Before the Hurricane, the new book by Kiko ama, here:

Before the hurricane, by Kiko Amat
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