The legend of the thief, by Juan Gómez Jurado

The legend of the thief
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When the reissues of the books are released with barely 10 years after their original edition, it is happening as with the great music groups, that the growing fans ask for more than what is produced. About the platinum editions and all those marketing techniques ...

And it is not a matter of squeezing your meninges for a John Gomez Jurado prolific in itself. It is enough to resort to what was published before being the great best-selling author of the thriller between black and criminal to offer fresh, disruptive stories with respect to the current narrative paths of the author.

But we cannot forget that everything happened the other way around. Juan Gómez Jurado began by offering us mysteries Dan Brown, brimming with tension and at times with an open historical setting, to discover the writer of current world-wide thrillers.

Andalusia, 1587. In the middle of a town devastated by the plague, one of King Felipe II's food commissioners finds a child who is still clinging to life. Risking his career, he rescues him from the clutches of death and takes him to Seville, unable to imagine what that act will end up assuming.

A Seville in which rich and poor fight to survive.
A few years later, the young Sancho finds himself on the streets of a society shaped by poverty, war and intrigue. Abandoned to his ingenuity and will, he will grow up to become the defender of the underprivileged and just causes, and together with his companions he will have to face a challenge on whose resolution the very fate of the city of Seville will depend.

The legend of the thief unfolds in its pages a masterful story of adventure, hope and love in XNUMXth century Seville, in which the protagonists will battle against injustices and adversities to find their place in the world.

You can now buy the novel «The legend of the thief», a book by Juan Gómez Jurado, here:

The legend of the thief
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