The Many Worlds Theory, by Christopher Edge

The Many Worlds Theory
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When science fiction is transformed into a stage where emotions, existential doubts, transcendent questions or even deep uncertainties are represented, the result acquires a magically real tone in its most finalist interpretation.

If, in addition, the whole of the work knows how to infuse the story with humor, it can be said that we are looking at an almost perfect novel. It is not at all easy to get a smile from the reader while introducing him to the deepest enigma of existence: the idea of ​​life and death.

To be able to get out of us that complicit smile, that tender laugh, in the book The Many Worlds Theory, the author introduces us to Albie, a little boy who has just lost his mother.

His father tries to answer him as best he can about his mother's fate. Ideas about liberated energies and parallel planes that his understanding as a great scientist superimposes on his fatherhood.

But Albie soon gets the idea and prepares to travel to that parallel cosmos. He understands that with a computer and some surprising complementary elements, he can reach that space where his mother is.

The understanding of a child, still governed by fantasy, offers us ingenious answers to committed questions, new theories founded on empirical discoveries with the imagination as a test medium.

When you finish reading this novel you feel that you have revived that spirit of childhood, fanciful, imaginative, but clearly useful to find impossible answers ...

You can now buy the book The Theory of Many Worlds, the latest novel by Christopher Edge, here:

The Many Worlds Theory
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