The Legend of the Two Pirates, by María Vila

The legend of the two pirates
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More and more women are taking center stage in novels of all kinds. To the point that citing this obviousness as the beginning of a review already sounds strange. But the truth is that if we go back 30 years, it was not so easy to find women with roles, in novels or in movies, beyond a complementary role.

For this reason, finding historical and adventure novels where women assume the role of main characters are still a necessary breath of fresh air to compensate for the comparative insult of the History of Literature.

At book The legend of the two piratesWe meet two young people of high birth who, although they know they are well-off and ready for an easy life, end up rebelling against that fate that announces a cold life without any incentive whatsoever.

It is the year 1579, Inés and Victoria are two good friends whose friendship has been forged on the basis of their belonging to the highest social strata in London and throughout England. In his tune, we soon discover two restless souls who do not finish finding their place amid so much formality, so much protocol and so much empty life.

Taking advantage of certain dangerous friendships, the two young women decide to embark together with the pirate captain Miguel Saavedra, a Spanish navigator capable of associating with the devil himself or with the monarchy of greater substance to be able to maintain their lifestyle by navigating any sea in search of adventure, treasure and the inherent dangers.

However, the girls have not just had it easy on board such a ship full of crewmen from a thousand underworlds. Without falling into discouragement, supported by their unbreakable friendship, Inés and Victoria continue their particular blog in search of unsuspected paradises beyond the seas.

New and constant dangers will threaten the young women, but the will, the honor, the vitality and the destiny forged in freedom are more than enough counterweights so that they will never abandon, not even in the worst moments.

You can buy the book The legend of the two pirates, the latest novel by María Vila, here:

The legend of the two pirates
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