Firmamento, by Màxim Huerta

Firmamento, by Màxim Huerta
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After many years on our televisions, Maximum Huerta He seems to have given himself more diligently to the profession of writer and every year he presents us with a new book. If in 2017 we already knew the romantic story of The hidden part of the Iceberg, in this 2018 he returns with new love spirits through Firmamento, the title of his new work.

Romanticism well understood has to be outlined between happiness and nostalgia, between feelings of fulfillment and the anguish of loss. In that romanticism of greater depth, his previous novel has already moved and in that same natural dichotomy of love we are presented with this Firmament that will invade the bookstores from this month of April.

Writing about the life of a writer may be a good tool for the best fundamental mimicry between author and character. The credibility in each described gesture, in each narrated movement and in each related behavior turns the character into an easy alter ego of the writer but also, in the second instance, of the reader who meets a protagonist of flesh and blood and feelings.

All that remains is for the story to accompany it. And the truth is that Màxim Huerta also knows how to compose good stories, far beyond basic romanticism as a love affair.

Because in front of Mario we find Ana. And between them a strange balance is established that guides us between the ravings of love and the firm intention of immortalizing the beauty of the moment amid the glare of the most Mediterranean sun.

Only the heaviest of human contradictions is that beauty cannot be immortalized. And his memory turns to melancholy as soon as he lands again. It is not that Mario and Ana are physically estranged in the story. Rather, it is a frantic search for the enigma that keeps the flame alive and that at the same time supposes a burden, a regret.

Ana and Mario will undress inside by droppers, retaining that captivating feeling that they are still giving themselves to someone whom you have not fully met.

But it is that both Mario and Ana really need their silences, their mysteries, their contradictions. Last; the previous life that is nothing more than a suitcase that is always carried; what they are and what they are not ... The most ardent love, no matter how much it seems to take you out of this world, always ends up surrendering you to the summary cause of your reality.

With a small discount through this blog (always appreciated), you can now buy the novel Firmamento, the new book by Màxim Huerta, here:

Firmamento, by Màxim Huerta
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