Elevation, of Stephen King

Elevation, of Stephen King
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When Stephen King he begins to narrate about the paranormal, the heart shrinks as soon as you start reading. The simple fact of returning to Castle Rock is already an invitation to the unexpected in a place that rambles between reflections of our daily lives and millions of wormholes towards fourth and fifth dimensions.

At the time I pointed out the novel The dead zone, as my favorite of this incomparable genius. Although it is daring to point to the best of any author, there was something in that fantastic story of raging humanity, exciting in its innermost aspect and fascinating in its most fantastic plot.

This time that Stephen King convinced of the moralizing aspect of fiction, of the ability to extract chicha from fantastic musings. Because once an exciting story beats us, King is always capable of opening us up to great ideas from those almost childish emotions.

Scott Carey suffers from a strange effect of the ethereal. It seems as if every day I belong less to this world and aim for weightlessness. Its dematerialization is not visible to others, nobody is able to discover what the scale shows in an undoubted way. Scott is losing weight like the rest of the humans.

Like all strange phenomena, Scott suffers and fears. Only Dr. Ellis shares his strange "ailment," mostly on the basis of his Hippocratic oath.

Little by little Scott's new nature transcends everyday aspects of Castle Rock. And magically, among the sinister of the matter, the change points to an improvement in many areas ...

Undoubtedly Tim Burton would be delighted to bring a story like this to the cinema, as emotional as Eduardo Scissorhands or Big Fish with the addition of that special juice of dialogue, introspection in characters and descriptions that only King knows how to combine.

Between the fantasy story and the short novel, the future of Scott, and by extension the most mundane destiny and the transcendent pair of Castle Rock, knows little and in turn must be like that. Because deep down it is only about the most particular life of a new friend, marginalized by her social environment. But the new Scott, light as feathers, will be able to come to his aid and change everything ...

Scott's exhibition on body and soul is an enchanting moral, masterfully drawn with those brushstrokes that awaken from the brief and their suggestive endings, invitations and echoes that remain until many after having finished with the last page.

Goodbye Scott, have a good trip and don't forget to bundle up. Up there it must be fucking cold. But, at the end of the day it will be part of your mission, whatever it is.

You can now buy Elevacion, the new book of Stephen King, here:

Elevation, of Stephen King
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