The seventh circle of hell, by Santiago Posteguillo

Seventh circle of hell
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That artistic creation in general and literary creation in particular has largely been fed by tormented souls is unquestionable. I do not believe that there is any creator who has not searched in the deepest recesses of perdition, hopelessness, melancholy, forgetfulness or sadness to sublimate the great works of universal literature.

Beyond the generational labels, the pretended or pretentious thematic grouping, the official recognition, the tendentious historical tendencies (worth braying), and everything that the habitual grouping tendency of human reason establishes, creation has a score. common, a creative musicality. The most beautiful creation cannot exist without the counterweight of a creative soul that has visited hell.

In this book that introduces us to so many writers in history punished by their circumstances, Santiago Posteguillo uses Dante's hell as a paradigm of literary creation. Dante as universal emblematic author with his Divine Comedy. And the success in the reference is maximum. The labyrinthine hell gives a lot of itself to welcome perpetual visitors or occasional tourists, we are all susceptible to taking a walk around that place where the underworld opens its cracks.

Hell thousands persecuted great authors in history, as the official synopsis of the book itself announces, from the KGB to Nazism, from any war to any personal loss, from censorship to the stateless feeling of the exile. Hell is a state, provoked or self-induced.

But when literature becomes a kind of cure, a placebo, a space for the expiation of guilt or a meeting place with other souls, hell is partly justified and the punishment slightly relieved.

A fantastic review of world literature without labels or official considerations, an approach to several authors who felt and wrote, who dumped their hells and demons on paper, with more or less hope, with more or less intention of making immortal the perishable of the soul.

You can buy the book The seventh circle of hell, the new book by Santiago Posteguillo, here:

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