The case of the dead Japanese women, by Antonio Mercero

The case of the dead Japanese women, by Antonio Mercero
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When Antonio Mercero He presented his debut film, as far as a crime novel is concerned, entitled «The end of man«We discovered an author who seemed to take a glancing glance at a detective genre to which he brought a groundbreaking perspective. His was a novel that balanced its weight between the crime of the case at hand, balanced with a story about sexual freedom and prejudice, all embodied in an unforgettable policeman.

The point is that, be that as it may, Antonio Mercero was not passing through. And with this novel he confirms his intention to sit at the table of the great narrators of the black genre in Spain, who on the other hand, already share a large number of current great diners such as Lorenzo Silva, Javier Castillo o Dolores Redondo, among some others.

The point is that there is room for everyone. Even more so for a guy like Mercero endowed with imagination and arrests to always look for risky plots and in the end extremely enjoyable to read. If the police Sofía Luna, formerly known as Carlos Luna, joins the plethora of protagonists of Spanish crime novels, it will mean a great advance in the necessary iconoclasm also for the popular imaginary brought from fiction.

Of course, for this Luna will have to defend her worth. And in this second novel, with her reassignment of sex already materialized, we discover that, indeed, Sofia is here to catch readers demanding the saga.

In Madrid there are a series of murders of Japanese women. The nexus between the victims or rather the motive that unites them in fatality points to some kind of asexual psychopathy of a mind convinced by its own revenge of a perverse world.

Sofía's own sexual condition seems more like a drag that reveals prejudices and that places her in a muddy terrain in which her work is complicated at times. When the daughter of the Japanese ambassador disappears, the matter acquires unsuspected political, social and media overtones.

And to top it all, Sofía faces family issues that she could never have imagined ...

You can now buy the novel The Case of the Dead Japanese, the new book by Antonio Mercero, here:

The case of the dead Japanese women, by Antonio Mercero
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