La series of the Eagles of Rome reaches its conclusion with this third installment. The Kenyan author Ben kane Thus closes his last composition of historical fiction delivered to its most warlike aspects. Distant times in which the territories were defended or traces of blood were conquered through ...
I recently reviewed another interesting novel on this historical war theme, also focused on aspects already touched on by Ben Kane in his duology of Spartacus. This is "The Rebellion", by David Anthony Durham, in case you fancy have a look...
But going back to this eagles in the storm book, It is time to point out the work as a perfect clasp for Kane's last great saga. History, action and strong emotions. The future of a world where dying at the front was daily for the empire of Rome to maintain its glory and dominions. The symbol of the eagle, standard of the legions of Rome, as a representation of the ambition of an entire Empire.
Synopsis: Year 15 AD The chief Arminius has been defeated, one of the Roman eagles recovered and thousands of warriors from the tribes of Germania slaughtered. However, for the centurion Lucius Tullus these victories are far from enough. He will not rest until Arminius himself is dead, his legion's eagle is recovered, and the enemy tribes are totally exterminated.
For his part, Arminio, devious and brave, also seeks revenge. More charismatic than ever, he manages to assemble another great tribal army that will harass the Romans throughout their territories.
Soon enough, Tullus is abuzz with violence, betrayal, and danger. And the mission to recover the eagle of his legion will be revealed as the most dangerous of all.
You can buy the book Eagles in the storm, Ben Kane's new novel, here: