You Should Have Gone By Daniel Kehlmann

The suspense, that thriller with a diversity of arguments, constantly adjusts to new patterns. Lately, the domestic thriller seems to be championing that of presenting disturbing stories, never better than from the epicenter of the familiar to offer doubts about those closest to us.

But certain patterns are always maintained. Because when an imaginary already has its references, loaded with atavistic emotions, resorting to it ensures perfect contextualization and mimicry. The thing about the house away from the world, between the bucolic and the sinister is something recurring. On this occasion the matter would point more to a "Shine" of Stephen King only that turned towards new focuses even psychedelic.

The house not only harbors nightmares and madness but also transforms everything. He is no longer just the disturbed writer in the relentless search for his stories. In this house, everyone succumbs to its dark trompe l'oeil, to the point of being devoured by it, like a creature endowed with a diversity of dimensions where souls can be locked away forever. Daniel Kehlmann He does not mince words from the title... perhaps there was an option, an instant before the point of no return. Just the moment when an inner voice, an instinct that insisted on the need to escape for simple survival.

A screenwriter in the midst of a creative and marital crisis has just arrived ―accompanied by his wife and daughter― to a brand new mountain house. It's December. The blue-white cold of the glaciers, the forests hidden by a thick mist, the flow of a river and a deep and silent valley promise, at last, a new beginning. A new opportunity to finish a script that resists him and to try to reconcile with his wife.

However, something happens in the house. Little by little the contours of reality begin to blur and what seemed like an idyllic getaway turns into a disturbing spiral of dysfunctional behaviors. You Should Have Gone is a compelling read. A claustrophobic story where reality is tinged with surrealism and terror is not presented with shocks, but as a sinister dream whose pieces do not quite fit together.

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