Books you can't miss...

Ok, the title was a catch. Because what you are going to find here are some of the books by the person who maintains this blog. And who knows, maybe you'll want to read some while you're… You have them on paper and also as an ebook. Some of them went through editorials to use but are currently available in digital format for only 1 or 2 euros. I'll tell you a little about what each one is about...

The arms of my cross

This book becomes the supposed vital testimony of a hidden Hitler in Argentina and already transformed into an octogenarian who takes stock of his entire life, and of the macabre part of the History he wrote.
In each chapter we delve into the mind of one of the most wicked characters in history. And we find the monster, but also the human and his pathology, his inability to love and the discovery of his abominable legacy.
The narration, which advances in the key of a diary, ends up being a historical essay of the madness and contradiction of the human being. It is also a fictionalized testimony, although focused on many historical events revisited by the infamous protagonist.
In summary, we find a compilation of thoughts and experiences of an intimate type but whose whole advances in an action that leads to an unexpected and fascinating ending.

El sueño del santo

The world revolves around an unknown axis. However tiny any point on our planet may be, it can become the center of a universe that miraculously focuses all the energy in its small space.

Undués de Lerda is a small and charming town in the Aragonese pre-Pyrenees. Several centuries ago, a saint dreamed that it would become a singular enclave. Chance ended up sentencing his fate.

The characters of this original narrative proposal of Juan Herranz they will try to rationalize, to somehow discern the future already written for humanity starting from that unique scenario. From these pages, the town of Undués de Lerda will trace the paths that lead to cities such as Logroño, Madrid, Munich or Rome. Your reality will eventually extend beyond these and many other places.

As in Undués, the origin and end of important things start from details that escape knowledge. Once again, the question will arise as to whether the human being can intervene in these unknown plans, thus altering the course of history or, on the contrary, if he can only contemplate what happens, like someone who watches the grass grow...

Real Saragossa 2.0

Ninetieth minute of the match, final of the 2050 European Cup. Diego Zoco scores the goal that elevates Real Zaragoza as continental champion. Everyone surrenders to his prodigious technique, making him a great idol and the most desired player by clubs around the world.

While Zoco savors his moment, he doesn't imagine that beyond the green of the grass he will discover the sordid side of his football environment that will make him rethink his sports career.

Dark interests are crudely revealed to him, splashing him squarely with his atrocious amorality and dragging him into an investigation to discover a truth that could put his own life at risk.

This short novel plunges into a future Zaragoza that is very different from the current one, postmodern and intoxicated by the effects of a local soccer team that has slipped in among the greats, but whose society as a whole must accept that not everything can be achieved at any price. .

Lost legends

They say that many years ago...
This is how almost all legends began. Narrating in the third person plural began to spread the magic of our peoples. The popular imagination circulated from mouth to ear in the form of fascinating stories, facts that emerged from a reality that supplanted the tedious daily life.

Before the progressive abandonment of the towns, traveling to any of them meant something more than doing rural tourism. It was necessary to relearn to see the world through the eyes of inhabitants of ancestral wisdom who reinterpreted their natural environment based on old myths, atavistic fears or hopeful superstitions.
And so they lived, they survived, finding among the arduous daily tasks sources where to spread the imagination. Poets and novelists without even knowing it; hoe, cowbell and tempero storytelling.

Some legends prospered. They made their way beyond their villages to settle elsewhere. Stories that spoke of bogeymen, mythical giants, potion and broom witches, wandering souls, magical nights... Others were forgotten, and this is a tribute to any of them. The lost legends that any shepherd or peasant could have imagined.

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