With a warlike tinge, the author of this novel presents us with a unique story, close to the author's own black genre, and reissued by different labels since it was published for the first time in 1997.
The plot in question revolves around the escape of two English pilots in the middle of World War II. The two members of the RAF are killed in mid-flight but manage to survive and fall on German soil. At this point, the story resembled the movie We Were Never Angels by Sean Penn and Robert de Niro, where the famous actors played two escapes from a prison in Canada. A similar escape between snowy nature with similar dialogues and a certain point of that circumstantial humor shared between both stories that will extend during this first part of the story.
Returning to this novel, the point is that in his flight, Bryan and James only find an alternative, to pass as sick destined for a Red Cross train. What they could not know is that this train was hosting German soldiers. Bryan and James take the identity of two SS officers, their unknown destiny ends up being The House of the Alphabet, a psychiatric hospital in which they must continue to assume their dementia, without knowing what treatments they can face and perhaps putting their lives more at risk. than any other alternative taken. That's when we change the movie and we approach Scorsese's Shutter Island, with that absolutely black dot about madness.
In a dark environment, surrounded by bad omens, young pilots and friends will discover that perhaps they are not the only ones who are posing as mentally ill. The decision has been made and the situations generated by their decision to get on that train will be presented to them in an unexpected way, between an acid humor and an anguished feeling in which they do not know how long they will have left there, if they will be able to flee, if they will be able to continue sharing their confidences with which to stay sane.
They fled, they made their hasty decision and now they just hope they can escape from there.
You can now buy the book The House of the Alphabet, the great work of the author Jusii Adler Olsen, here:
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