Top 3 books by Evelyn Waugh

And when 25 years in the life of Evelyn waugh, (who spent his days with more pain than glory among various works and with the hindrance of not having completed great academic records), his first novel arrived.

Then, as I think it can be assured from the perspective of the writer born with that power of the creative soul who has not just found his place, an author came to the world of literature who would manage to publish more than twenty books, a multitude of stories, books travel or biographies.

Like the also Londoner Chesterton and almost coincidental in time, Waugh turned to Catholicism. A fact that now would not be relevant but that at the beginning of the twentieth century represented an acquired commitment that was transmitted, of course, to some of the works of these authors.

Loading the inks with his critical touch and his slyness, waugh almost always found in the society of his days a common place to set his intense plots with that revision that today sounds like manners but it also provides satire against high society.

Top 3 Recommended Novels by Evelyn Waugh

Retorno a Brideshead

El Captain Charles Ryder moves to a Brideshead loaded with melancholic touches for him. The confinement that now stands in the place cannot hold for him the memories of the days of splendor.

Each step of Charles through that space once occupied by the mansion and its gardens immerses us with that nostalgic vision for the customs and customs torn from the place by the war. Everything is unfinished love stories or buried secrets, lost friendships or impossible longings.

With that fantastic touch of the disappeared, felt by the reader as if he himself were the one who evoked even the aromas of Lord Marchmain's house, we move through a place whose descriptions hang from that past hidden by the fog of the unfortunate future. A double drama that fascinates and that its take to television achieved unprecedented success.

Retorno a Brideshead

Bomb news!

Perhaps inconsiderate in its beginnings due to its humorous theme, this novel is a benchmark for that genre of satirical currently being approached from other fronts, less and less in the literary sphere.

With a style already more refined than that of his first novel "Decline and Fall", Waugh continues to abound in that English mockery (if the paradox of this term can be accepted). Already known by the author the world of the press, he introduces us to a character like Lord Copper, a triumphant reference of the press of the moment.

He will be the one who sends the most misguided reporters to war, lacking the slightest knowledge of the union and little attached to any code of ethics.

The mess of such a task is making its way like an out-of-tune song to misinformation (which is so good for us even now), to the ability of the media to transmit and confuse, to deceive or to gain supporters for whatever cause it may be. Even in the most unexpected way and from the least prepared reporter, the world will be seen with the eyes of the ridiculous for all the readers of his chronicles.

News Bomb

Decline and fall

This was the first novel that helped the author to find refuge in the profession of writing. With the impudence of youth, it can be said that in this novel Waugh puts a review of everything that moved in the high society of his days, back in 1928.

With a vintage air to Ignatius J. Reilly, or rather as a reference that could have served for the famous novel "The conspiracy of fools", we accompany the calamitous future of Paul Pennyfeather.

A guy who, from the honeys of even moral success, ends up succumbing to the desperate inertia of disaster. The appearances and conventions of the elites of the moment are being decomposed by the author.

Laughter from the grotesque and the flavor of open grave criticism of a young author who began his fascinating emergence in literature in this way.

Decline and fall
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